Thursday, April 6, 2017

Critical Conversations at #EdcampRevolt

This post was originally published by Justin Schleider at #SlowChatPE on April 2. #TheEduCal Blog is proud to share it here with permission. Today was an amazing day. I am feeling a sense of hope and joy that I haven’t felt for a very long time. My goal is to help change the world and I honestly think I may have just been positioned to be a part of a change that will have a huge impact. I will go more into depth with that at the end of this blog. First, let’s talk about how EdCampRevolution rocked my world! I have been looking forward to this EdCamp for months. The reason why is that their...

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Highlights from PETE&C 2017

By Rachelle Dene Poth Pete & C, the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference, was held on February 12th through the 15th in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Pete&C is a great event for learning about educational technology, and this year’s attendance grew to an estimated 3500. Some of the conference events included workshops on topics such as Blended instruction, Certified BrainPOP Educator training, personalizing learning, instructional strategies, and best practices. There was also a Keystone Technology Innovator (KTI) pre-conference event held on Sunday afternoon, which...

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Future is Now! What a Week at #​FETC

By Rachelle Dene Poth @rdene915 It is hard to believe that #FETC (The Future of Education Technology Conference) has come and passed so quickly. This was my first time at FETC and I was fortunate to present a workshop of my own on Blended Learning, and had the opportunity to speak at the Buncee and Kidblog booths. The conference offered so many great opportunities for attendees to connect, to learn, to grow, and to get exactly what they needed from the conference. Preparing for the Future With so many choices, figuring out your schedule can be difficult, and sticking to it can be even...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#WhyIEdCamp: An Educator's #Edcamp Journey

By Shivan Persad As I continue to attend EdCamps the question as to why continues to change after every event and experience. I attended my first EdCamp, EdCampNJ, in Springfield, NJ about a year ago after I kept seeing #EdCampNJ all over Twitter. Admittedly, I had no idea what the day would entail. My first experience was eye-opening. Eye-opening because I was able to connect with educators who think similarly, share similar experiences, and were willing to learn from each other. This is where I caught the bug and began attending subsequent EdCamps. I thought this is #WhyIEdCamp. A...

Friday, January 20, 2017

Introducing #TheEduCal 2.0 - New and Improved for 2017

#TheEduCal Friends,If you are reading this, then hopefully you've already experience the new and improved #TheEduCal. On Tuesday, January 10, we relaunched with a brand new, mobile-friendly site and interface. We're writing now to share more about the update and our plans for the year with you, our readers and supporters. In addition to a full facelift for #TheEduCal on the new Google Sites, some of our updates include: Improved programming and automation for all site features and social media promotion  Curating event hashtags and sponsoring organizations--special pages will be created...

Monday, September 12, 2016

5 Reasons to Share at the Next Edu-Conference

By Alyssa Davidson Congratulations! You have discovered the magic of the edu-conference. You are basking in the glow of new learning, sharing your own stories and strategies, and connecting with edu-friends. You might also be looking at the presenters or discussion leaders and wondering, with a little trepidation: Could that be me? The answer is: Absolutely, positively, yes! Not only could that be you, it should be you. 1. There’s Always Someone Who Can Learn from YOU Any teacher who has taught new content or used a new strategy on the fly knows that you only have to be one step ahead...

Monday, August 29, 2016

#ISTE16 Part 2: Highlights & Takeaways

By Rachelle Dene Poth This post is part two of #ISTE16 reflections from Rachelle. Click here to read part 1: Let's Talk About Relationships. Where does one start to describe the highlights from a conference experience like ISTE? The tremendous number and types of events offered during this experience make it a real challenge to focus on only a few here. There are so many wonderful things that you could highlight about the conference. With numerous concurrent events, pulling you in so many directions and with all of the choices, how can you possibly decide on a schedule? It definitely is...